Home > I saw Saturn!!! oh and please take my money.

I saw Saturn!!! oh and please take my money.

March 4th, 2007 at 01:15 am

I am geeked, little things excite me. We went to the roof of the science center parking lot after a day of science, and managed to see Venus..which looks just like a big white spot....

And we saw Saturn, which really looks like saturn! rings and all! It was very cool!

Unfortunatly the roof is a bad place to see the lunar eclipse, we didn't see any of it till we had left the roof and were driving home and that was the tail end of it as the moon came out of the shadow.

Now about that money....we went to the science center first, around 3pm, and we figured we could pack dinner or eat out at the cafeteria. Before expoloring we asked "when does the cafeteria close today" the response was 4, no wait 5 it is saturday. Well we figured 4:30 for dinner was fine, and headed back to food at that time...only to find it had closed.....boy were we boiling mad. How on earth can you expect to remain open if you refuse to serve customers, and wont even tell anyone the right times!!!

We walked down the street looking for a restaurant that was wiling to take short kids, found one but the wait was 45 minutes! we signed up anyway seeing as all the restaurants we passed were pubs or had long lines. We headed to the bar and found several empty tables...but were told we had to wait to be seated by a hostess to get menues and food.....
Then we went outside and watched them clear several tables outside and NO one was seated...rows of empty patio tables and they wouldn't seat us! I have no idea what their trouble was.

But while waiting I found some balloons just on a string and let my daughter play, she loved it. And I happend to see over in the corner the unlocking of doors at a little bohemian looking restaurant.... opens at 5, completly empty, and had food....we dropped the 'blinker pager' from the first restaurant and headed for the cafe....bit odd of the food choice (every plate came with a cookie hidden under the chips...) but it was food and it was served relativly quickly.

1 Responses to “I saw Saturn!!! oh and please take my money.”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    Saturn and Jupiter are really cool to see with a telescope. Jupiter - you can see the 4 moons... Rings are cool. & the moon is absolutely fascinating too!

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