Pretty Percents:
46% Need
28% Debt payment (extra car)
13% Wants
11% Savings
Looks kinda cool due to the extra weeks income! (BTW the remaining 3% is sitting in the bank as cushion still)
Lessons learned this month:
1. Yes I can put back things when I am over budget, even if the money is in the account should I feel like using it, just not enough things ...working on it.
2. Forgetting a phone and failing to call for a grocery list may result in spending less money (I cook he shops...under budget on food by 80$)
3. Lowering the heat may not result in low enough gas bills, that hot shower may have to be winter.
4. Yes we can stay out of stores if I plan well....and are willing to suffer through lima beans and spinach for almost a week!
Next month:
Plan even better on groceries, and stay under budget for 'misc.'.
Expected 'Misc' why do we always spend so much!
Though I do foresee some trouble with food as it is my sons birthday and Easter.
Pretty percents March
March 29th, 2007 at 07:50 pm