Way back in January we found that gift normally priced 50, for only 15, yesterday was my sons birthday so we were all set to give it to him and wow him with it.
And his Grandmother from Pa gave him almost the exact same gift. Ours was a 3 in one set of chess, checkers and the dice game from pirates of the carribean. Hers was just chess. We snuck out hte box of chess and snuck in our box, and in essence gave him nothing for his birthday.
But you know with all the stuff he got from relatives for Easter and his birthday, I don't think it is too terrible that he didn't get anything from us.
We were handed cash to replace the chess set and Gma will be taking hers back, and we will let him buy something with it...some of it.
Because insisting on 'some to church and some to the bank' is more about not having too much junk comming in than about anything else.
And over the course of the weekend with gifts comming I discovered my son thinks you can't split bills. He recieved 2 dollars as one gift and said there isn't anything left to spend (one to church one to the bank)! I thought it was cute, and he has a point, we are lazy so we do tend to send a whole bill rather than split it down to change. (always with a result of more to the bank, never rounding down!)
Duplicate gift
April 10th, 2007 at 06:44 pm
April 10th, 2007 at 10:15 pm 1176239753
April 11th, 2007 at 12:37 am 1176248266