Google em.....
Specifically if you want worksheets for a kid search for the level and type.
eg. free worksheets kindergarten math
If you are not sure, pick a level and then google it, read the sheets for that level then decide if you need to go up or down.
Many sites have sheets designed for beginning year students so they will be a bit easy if you have been doing level 2 math for months. Bump up to level 3 as needed.
eg. free worksheets grade three science
This actually works for music as well though the levels are most aimed at older students.
eg. free music worksheets
If you want a coloring page, use the image search. then you can preview what you are printing without going to multiple pages.
eg. free printable coloring animals
Change the subject to fit your needs, holiday, letters, shapes, etc.
One of the best things about searching is that in a month the top sites may change and you get a whole new batch of results.
If you don't get new results, try changing the order of words in your search option.
Practice does help, after a short time you will know which sites offer a free worksheet just to get listed but want money for most, or the sites that have lousy printable coloring.
(or you could go to and find a whole pile of sites that I have used....found by googling)
How to ..... find free worksheets
April 20th, 2007 at 03:12 pm
April 20th, 2007 at 05:10 pm 1177085456
April 21st, 2007 at 08:41 pm 1177184464
Google coloring animal and click images at the top. YOu can specify an animal of a subject as well