Home > Not a whole week off, only a day and a half

Not a whole week off, only a day and a half

May 21st, 2007 at 05:54 pm

So since he is working from home he will be paid (course the whole delay in paperwork is a bit irritating....hope that gets smoothed out soon)

But since he didn't take at least 7 days off (consecutive) the day off for surgery wont be paid day off wont kill us, but it is irritating to know that because he is back to work quickly he wont be paid.....punishment for trying to get back in the game would think the punishment would be reversed...punishing those dragging it out.

1 Responses to “Not a whole week off, only a day and a half”

  1. nanamom Says:

    Sometimes it really seems that those who try to do what is right don't get the reward. I am glad he can work from home though. Remember the reward is in heaven

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