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Crayon divide

June 19th, 2007 at 03:59 pm

1. Take one sheet of paper, divide into two sections,
2. draw a red line just to the left of the middle and a blue line just to the right of the middle.
3. Offer child multiple crayons of either red or blue shades (check that you don't have orange with a red wrapper)
4. Encourage child to scribble/draw red on the red side, or blue on the blue side.
5. Keep saying, oh now you have blue, lets draw on the blue side, what a nice red scribble, ect.

For older children write the words red and blue (in red and blue if you like) to practice reading.

Or use a larger sheet and divide it into many sections, find a color for each.

For adults write the word red in blue and blue in red...see how long it takes before they realize they are doing it wrong.

6 Responses to “Crayon divide”

  1. Aleta Says:

    This could also be a good way to see if your kids are color-blind by using red and green crayons.

  2. princessperky Says:

    True, but if your kid is under 5 don't be too upset if they don't get it...might just not get colors, try again with easy to see differences and then come back to red/green.

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Princess, you definitely have the mind of a homeschooler. Smile
    Colors...this was one of those outliers where my kid showed precociousness, but in a way that makes me wonder if color recognition isn't something many kids are capable of much earlier than we generally recognize. I'm sure I used to habitually mention color as part of my description of things beginning when my son was born. Well, one day before he could talk, I asked him which was the yellow flower in a book. He pointed to the correct one. I thought it was coincidence. So asked about other color flowers. He got them all right. So we turned the page and I asked him about the different color alligators. He got those right, too. And he seemed able to generalize the colors, too. A blue was something he could point out whether it was midnight, royal, or powder. Reds were all red, etc.

    Overall, I think it was talking to him about his world that helped him to learn his colors so suprisingly early. And that is what I believe is the single most important thing to do to raise a curious, thinking, actively learning child. Talk to them!

    I don't mean to say that colors specifically will be taught early by talking to your kids. But they are bound to be engaged by many things in the world that you talk about and look at with them. Maybe it won't be colors. Maybe it will be rhythm, dogs, size, dinosaurs, music, numbers, plants, personal relationships, shapes, even something as seemly subtle as texture or direction. A little 22 month old I knew could recognize the sound of the footsteps of a dozen of her parent's friends and would call out their names, first and last, to announce their arrival when she heard those footsteps in the hallway. She was just very attuned to the sound and the connection with beloved friends. This was her little talent brought out by the talking with and relationship with her parent as well as those friends.

  4. princessperky Says:

    Excellent point Joan..while only one of my children picked up colors very early, they all picked up things just from me talking to them and about the world around them, we all could benefit from more parents talking like you!

  5. Aleta Says:

    My son and his wife have been reading to my little granddaughter since they brought her home. She is so responsive and looks at all the pictures. She will try to grab at the animals on the page. She will also look from one page to the other. By the way, she will be 6 months old on the 28th of this month and cute as a button.

  6. princessperky Says:

    She certainly sounds cute! I bet all that reading is VERY good for her.

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