Home > If you are going to spend the money on a movie, make a movie, not a graphic nove

If you are going to spend the money on a movie, make a movie, not a graphic nove

June 29th, 2007 at 01:43 pm

This is useless advice as I doubt any of my three readers are planning to make a movie (well ok my husband would like to..)

But after watching "Ghost rider" last night I can say definitively that movies are NOT graphic novels, nor comic books, for a good reason.

I like a good comic story, I just can't handle having to read 10 mini picture books to get one story, so a good comic needs to be made into a graphic novel.

What they did with Ghoast rider is take all the great one liners with goofy pictures and line em up..which misses the flow of a movie, I don't have to turn the page in a movie and imagine the middle between pictures, you are supposed to fill it in with something good. If I have to waste 2 hours (when I could read the graphic novel in say 20 minutes) There aught to be some fleshing out of the story, some new interesting tidbits..something.

Coure I never read the original, maybe the movie did add stuff to a very sparse comic book.

On a side (and financial) note, the movie was borrowed from the free library of the brother in law, great to have a movie addict in the family Smile, almost makes up for the cost of family....

1 Responses to “If you are going to spend the money on a movie, make a movie, not a graphic nove”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    I heard it was bad. I wouldn't know though, because I don't plan on watching it because I heard it was bad.

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