Home > trader joes opening nearish

trader joes opening nearish

November 30th, 2007 at 05:51 pm

Got an ad in the mail for trader Joes..I might recall they tend to have organic foods and more whole wheat type options at reasonable prices?

Not sure if this is true or not but we hope to make it out there next week to find out, we would love to be able to find a store that sells whole wheat flour pasta and sunny field farm yogurt, rather than having to go to two stores different stores.

6 Responses to “trader joes opening nearish”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    i love Trader Joes. With teh exception i think about their meatn and milk i love most everything they sell. They have a lot of items they sell under their own label which canmake it a lot cheaper but makes it harder to use coupons. I shop their every week for a lot of stuff (except meat and dairy as i think their meattastes gamey and their milk goes bad faster than any other i have come accross.)

    I buy staples there and their pasta, couscous, veggies (except from a farmers market in summer), cereals, breads etc can be cheaper than the market. I hope you find things you like.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Interesting. I don't think there is a Trader Joes here, but we have Whole Foods. From what I've been told by a Vegan, Whole Foods has a selection of vegetarian soy and tofu items... but I haven't been able to find it yet.

    On the other hand, we have a huge Asian supermarket here, and they're always stocked with plenty of wheat, gluten, and soy products. That's where I usually go when I want stuff like that.

    Among other things, I hope to eventually eat a healthier diet.

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Did you know Trader Joe's is owned by the same people as Aldi's? They have some product overlap, believe it or not. Trader Joe's is a lot more fun and offers samples of some of their less likely to be familiar foods. But I've been to Trader Joe's only three times and did not buy anything at all.

  4. disneysteve Says:

    I go to Trader Joe's only occasionally. It isn't exactly conveniently located and their parking lot is very poorly designed. There isn't much that they sell that I can't find at Wegman's or Whole Foods. Yes, BA, Whole Foods does carry all kinds of vegetarian items, though so does Wegman's. We do 99% of our shopping at Wegman's, only hitting Whole Foods or Trader Joe's for the rare item not carried.

  5. princessperky Says:

    mmm, well we haven't got a wegmans..but at least it sounds the initial check out should be fun Smile

  6. disneysteve Says:

    I didn't mean to down Trader Joe's. I think it is a neat store and they sell great stuff. If ours was more convenient to us, I think we'd go a lot more often. They're nuts and dried fruits are terrific. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I know several people who swear by their store brand coffee.

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