The last few weeks about once every three times I turn my computer on it says there is no hard drive. I mentioned it to my tech support (husband) and made a mental note to back up some important 'stuff'. Of course you know how well mental notes work on me!
Actually I wasn't that bad I asked him how to go about it, and he said umm no DVD burner? will take forever on CD...(and I didn't point out my CD burner hasn't worked in years).
So instead I took my pictures folder and copied it over to my second hard drive...might not be perfect, but at least they are in two places. (yes I have two, he bought himself a new one several years ago, and I got his old plus mine - still only adds up to 40Gigs though)
I got my husband to agree to a rule that I am sticking new computer parts until the car is paid off... AT the time I thought going 4 years between computer upgrades wouldn't be that hard....I forgot how often we use them! (old habit was a couple hundred spent on something new, hard drives or video cards or something about every 2 years)
I finally backed up my pictures..sortof
January 30th, 2008 at 04:37 pm
January 30th, 2008 at 11:17 pm 1201735035
However, I am a proponent of a "real" backup system. I don't really care what it is, so long as it's something that you know you will use, or better yet, is all automated for you.
I actually use a separate external hard drive for my backup needs. I used to use CD/DVD burners, but they take so long that, frankly, I rarely ever use it. But a hard drive? Turn it on, drag and drop. Super easy.
Sure, it's not the perfect solution, but it's one that I actually DO use.
January 31st, 2008 at 02:26 pm 1201789574