Right now I have plasn and needs for the next rank of cub scouting, plans and needs for summer, plans and needs for the next few months, plan and needs for a Webelos bike trip, a campig trip, a day camp trip, a summer webelos trip, a august cub trip....and a few other things, like church details and service projects, and fundraising..and well a ton more.
So I sat down today to accomplish a few tasks and blankly stared at the screen. I have so much to do, I couldn't figure out where to start.
I solved it by surfing....but then I got smart. I figure taking it in calendar order might miss something, but not as much as if I spend the rest of my hour surfing!
Finances are a lot like that...if you spend so long debating between highest interest vs lowest amount you will miss the best time to act. Which is now. Hardly ever will paying down something now be the end of the world.
So I am off to organize tonights notes, then Aprils leaders meeting and then April's Pack show.
If there is time, I will pick a new task as well.
One day at a time
March 18th, 2008 at 05:23 pm
March 18th, 2008 at 06:21 pm 1205864489
"the greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."