Home > Swim lessons

Swim lessons

July 7th, 2008 at 06:03 pm

Our kids can 'swim' but they cannot really swim..they dog paddle, they get around, but they have no form.

So each year I consider the lessons offered at the pool. This year with me not able to swim yet, I really wanted to get them more chances to be in the pool, and lessons seemed to be the ticket.

The cost worked out to 75 for two kids for 6 lessons, semi private.

the first was just the two of them, this time it was my two and two others, still small still individual, and the life guard took extra long so that all kids got attention. plus since she is teaching form (I don't know how to swim) I can tell the kids to practice her way, while the other two take a turn.

I would prefer cheaper of course, but all in all I am pretty happy with the lessons so far. At least the kids are improving already.

2 Responses to “Swim lessons”

  1. Swimgirl Says:

    You might consider contacting a USA swimming team in your area. You could probably google "USA Swimming" with your town name to get a team.Often, they have summer swim programs for new swimmers with very clear, progressively more difficult skills. Ask what the team recommends as far as lessons- they will likely know the most effective program for the money.

    My teenagers are swimmers and they actually teach in the summer program. This program would be perfect for your kids, if they are kindergarten age or above. The program costs $200, but they get an hour EVERY DAY for ten weeks. The groups are two coaches to six kids, it's really fun for the kids and they are all SWIMMING WELL by the end of the summer. And they get to burn all that energy every day!! My kids all went through that program before they joined the swim team. It's extremely popular in our town. I think there are 350 kids in the program this summer (at different times of day)

    Also look for a Swim America program. It's very well done.

    Good luck!

  2. princessperky Says:

    Sounds great and reasonable, but I don't drive, so I need the lessons to be at our local pool, that I can walk to.

    Though I will recommend to a friend that does drive that she check out swim America so thanks for the tip.

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