Home > Guilty of spoiling em

Guilty of spoiling em

October 1st, 2008 at 06:48 pm

I am guilty of spoiling my kids.

UE has a workbook full of a variety of worksheets. All full color, and plenty of fluff. JC has a full color fluffy math book, so when GMC said he wanted one of his own...I put it on the list to get. I know he doesn't need one, but, what harm can it do to let him have a full color book with silly graphics to practice writing of math on? so long as he still does the math or writing.

So I am off to waste $8, but not till our weekly grocery run.

2 Responses to “Guilty of spoiling em”

  1. littlemama Says:

    I don't look at that as a waste at all. I think it's money well spent.

  2. nanamom Says:

    How can it be a waste when it is to help a child learn?

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