Home > Is Wells Fargo in trouble?

Is Wells Fargo in trouble?

October 4th, 2008 at 06:59 pm

I am merely curious, I was fading in and out of sleep while nursing El last night and one channel had a camera pan of the Wells Fargo sign, which happens to be who has our mortgage.

Now I presume if they were in trouble, it would merely mean a new bank would get my payment, maybe some hiccups but no real trouble for me.

I tried google but I really don't understand all that mess, so I figured I would ask those smarter than me.

5 Responses to “Is Wells Fargo in trouble?”

  1. nance Says:

    No, they are not in trouble, and, in fact, are trying to purchase one of the failed banks.

  2. princessperky Says:

    Ah I bet that is why the clip, prolly some story on the proposed buyout.

  3. Cassandra Says:

    They are trying to acquire Wachovia, but Citigroup objects to them buying it because Wachovia wasn't supposed to have negotiations with anyone else.

  4. cindy Says:

    closed in july 2005 with First Security National, our first bill 8/05 came from Wells Fargo, i called and they said it had been transferred. never got that notice, they said the bill was sufficient notice. asked for copy of apprailsal in 8/2005. sent another request in 11/2005. never got that appraisal. in 1/2006 real estate tax bill came for 2005, called wells fargo because that bill was paid at closing. they said it could take 90 days for investigation - meanwhile, they paid again, it out of our escrow, and late. we were never reimbursed for that double payment. 2006 tax bill paid late, wells fargo charges $5 fee out of escrow. called again in 4/2006, they said we never called them about the tax problem and we must write to dispute. we wrote, they never responded. in 7/2006 we called, real estate tax paid late, another $5 late fee assessed to escrow. they said they have no record of a mistake or notice. they could not help us on the phone, we must write, and wait up to 90 days. so we wrote. 11/2006 escrow shortage of almost $2000, we call wells fargo, there was never an investigation and they never received our letters of complaint. we wrote to original lender, MERS, and wells Fargo. no one responded to any of them. in 2/2007 escrow "corrected" but still small shortage. wrote to wells fargo in 3/2007 requested account history. it was never sent. we started looking at our docs. GFE way off, notice of right to cancel for my husband only, 2 different TILAs, 2 different URLAS with different account #s, escrow account only in my name, 2 settlement statements, one from lender, one from broker. 10/2007 called wells fargo for copies of all loan docs, we were told that we must contact original lender, who doesn't return calls or respond to letters. i got angry and the wells representative accused me of being difficult and told me to write a dispute letter. i did so but received no response. 2/2008 escrow shortage again, called wells fargo demanding correct docs, they said they didn't originate the loan, but they will investigate. 4/2008 wells attempts force-place of $6000 insurance policy, our insurance is current so i fax them a copy, and so does my ho insurance company. next bill shows insurance corrected. 5/2008 i send notice to cancel mortgage under TILA. no response and 7/2008 i send one last payment and tell them i won't pay until they acknowledge my rescission letter. they ignore. 10/2007 wells fargo sends notice of default through attorney. i send another letter, which they ignore. 12/08 wells fargo files foreclosure complaint. we appeared but filed no answer. we are still looking for an attorney that can take our case without a retainer. we do not qualify for legal aid, but we don't have $600 to have our docs audited, or $1500 for retainer. case set for summary judgement in 2 weeks (end of 3/2008). i know what our defenses are, but don't know how to write an appropriate answer. my husband doesn't speak english enough to help, all he can do is keep working to feed our 5 kids. wells fargo is a thief. they are responsible for whatever the loan officer or original lender did, because they are assignee. and they are responsible for the extra charges in escrow and late taxes and all mistakes in servicing, because they are the servicer. so you know, MERS and Wells Fargo seem to be either working very close together or the same company management. wells fargo is foreclosing, but MERS was still the legal servicer up until the foreclosure, so i think some kind of fraud is going on. look on your mortgage, and see if it mentions MERS anywhere. if it does, your mortgage probably has many errors and you may soon face foreclosure. if you know anyone in the chicago area that can help us write out an answer in correct form and order, please let us know.

  5. princessperky Says:

    Wow, I am sorry for your troubles, I do not understand any of that, I hope you find someone who can help.

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