Home > fundraising time

fundraising time

October 6th, 2008 at 05:10 pm

Well, the girl scouts just finished a fall fundraiser for magazines, I did not pester most folk as it isn't all that universally useful.

And now it is time for boyscouts popcorn sales! I do pester folk for that one, if you don't like popcorn you can buy a military donation, your order is tax deductible, and the popcorn goes overseas.

It is what I bought, I don't like microwave popcorn.

So anyone wanna buy some popcorn Smile

10 Responses to “fundraising time”

  1. M E 2 Says:

    I bought that popcorn ONCE. That stuff was B A D ! I have never had such awful popcorn! I am gagging a little just thinking about it and it had to be 7 years ago.

    I would suggest anyone/everyone who is solicited by a Boy Scout, do the donation thingy instead.

  2. princessperky Says:

    Oh dear I wonder if that was stale stuff? It does go stale in the tins, some troops/packs will sell last years leftovers unfortunately.

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    My sister is a Junior Girl Scout and was very upset at me that I wouldn't buy a magazine from her troop. She also didn't get up and actually try to sell to anyone, so I don't think she sold one. While I feel bad, I've known more than one person who never got the magazine they ordered ... which probably had nothing to do with the troup, but the company they do business with.

    I promised Jordyn I would make up for it with cookie sales ... mmm Girl Scout cookies.

  4. princessperky Says:

    I wonder if the new online ordering is an answer to that trouble? I heard it was new, we shall see what happens if the ones my mother ordered come in.

    And the cookies we will be selling, they are good!

  5. mom-sense Says:

    The Girl Scout cookies taste good, but when I saw how little profit my daughter's troop made (.60 out of the $4.00 box) I boycotted. Didn't buy or sell any.

  6. princessperky Says:

    hmm 60cents would be....15%, not great, but at least the cookies are $4 not 10 or 25.

    I would prefer more but I like how the tracking of sales and the verbal skills are promoted in sales.

  7. mom-sense Says:

    Princess, I am getting geared up for Wreath Sales. My oldest son is now a Tiger Scout and I see on the calendar there is a big meeting later in the month for this fundraiser. I am wondering what their profit is ...

  8. princessperky Says:

    I encourage anyone with a fundraiser to find out the percent of profit, popcorn is about 27% local plus another 20ish to the council, better than GS cookies.

  9. swimgirl Says:

    I usually just make a donation rather than selling the stuff. Last I checked, the Boy Scout popcorn and the Girl Scout cookie DID contain trans fat, though the amount per serving was small enough that they could advertise "trans fat free".... but to me, that's just dishonest. They are easy to sell (good cause), but I don't think the products are very good. I'd rather make good cookies and donate a little $.

    And I'm TERRIBLE at selling. I'm so embarrassed to ask friends to buy (or let my kids ask).

  10. princessperky Says:

    I believe in the concept of selling. It helps kids learn money skills, people skills, responsibility. and the scouts have a fondness for 'product return' meaning they like donations fine, but they don't want the scout uniform to be connected to handouts..I get it. so I support the popcorn and the cookies.

    Truth is having a kid hear "no" is as important as earning a bit of money for the troop/pack. Kids need to know that a "no" is OK, and that asking politely wont hurt. (so long as they do ask politely)

    I would not however pester folk for the magazines or the trinkets that can happen. I believe kids shouldn't sell what they wouldn't buy (my kids all love to eat the popcorn and the cookies)

    While I would love for troops to be able to sell their own cookies, it just isn't something that can work, 5 year olds can't cook so mom or dad has to do it all. As it is We have to shoulder the transportation, prompting and so on. Cookies or popcorn really does take some of the work off us, and if done right by the time the scouts are older we will have less to do.

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