Err, excuse me, but A. My kids don't Need anything, I can provide for them just fine. And B. He needs a financial education far more than yet another trinket!
I really can not stand the mentality that asking a child to save is tantamount to torture. Really, you have got to be kidding me. I don't even require 50%! (not that I see anything wrong with 50%)
For every dollar that comes in about 20% is savings, 10%ish is charity, and for the older two some is dues for scouts, the rest is theirs to spend. With the possible exception of two short term loans I made for a dollar or two for J, and to replace an item for G (he broke it, he paid to replace it) I do not see any reason why they need anything!
Other than a financial education, can they honestly not see how important it is? Especially in light of the hassle credit has gotten so many into which is all over the news today.
Sure I understand if you give the gift of money you want a person to enjoy it, not sock it away and ignore it, but if you wanted them to play with it, you should have asked mom or dad for an idea of a toy.....
While I don't have quite as many ideas as relatives wanting to buy I have a few, first and foremost his favorite gift would be an afternoon cooking with you. Yes I typed that right, he would LOVE to cook with someone, preferably someone who lets him make a bigger mess than mommy.
If you can't give him two hours of your time, then how about you not complain when those of us in charge of his education use that money as another learning experience?
Get him something he needs, DON't Save it..
October 24th, 2008 at 05:47 pm
October 24th, 2008 at 05:54 pm 1224867279
October 24th, 2008 at 11:34 pm 1224887687
October 25th, 2008 at 06:38 pm 1224956326
I am sure my kids would love that sort of thing (especially if they got to help make it, or had someone to play with it and them!)