Home > Big spend day

Big spend day

October 30th, 2008 at 05:11 pm

Today we shall spend a small fortune.

1. new filter so we can turn on furnace.. didn't know this but when the third kid came to visit us in the night I decided 59 was to cold, was informed by husband filter really has to be changed first..oh... so the remainder of the morning was spent snuggled up with kids.. Not a bad thing except I don't sleep well with squirmy JC..should have got UE, once asleep he doesn't move.

2. Christmas present for the two older ones, will be paid for by gma, but we are in charge of retrieval.

3. shoe boxes for "operation Christmas child". I love helping the kids pick out gifts for others.

4. socks for GMC, he pays for them though, his habit of sticking his pencil between the toes and sock is what ruins them

5. hopefully some Christmas baskets for food presents, forgot to stock up last year.

6. more glow in the dark paint for Gs costume..had no idea how much paint one skeleton would take!

7. any Christmas gifts we can find.. wish I was done like BA, but only about half way.

1 Responses to “Big spend day”

  1. nanamom Says:

    Isn't it nice to know you can do that kind of day without worrying about whether or not milk will be on the menu. i have a couple things still to buy, a graduation gift and three presents then we are done and ready to wrap and mail. Um sew first them wrap and mail!

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