Well we returned home from PA to find the fridge is busted, all the stuff in it ruined, and a puddle on the floor.
Not a happy return, but it was a good trip.
At least we made it in one piece anyway.
I realized wile there how much I need my kid free time.
UE had major trouble falling asleep the first night (he doesn't like nights and strange places make it worse) so I sat up with him, online, but still not free to do as I liked. As I finally fell asleep (I think before him) I realized how much I need that evening to myself, normally all the kids are asleep by 9 or at worst 10 (El stays up later than the other 3) and I have one or two hours to be 'free' or quietly free anyway.
All that nightly time ads up to why my husband and I don't really have a major urge to get babysitters to often.
In fact the last time we had one was while UE still didn't sleep (seriously for like 2 years the boy didn't sleep) poor babysitter was surprised when I told her I don't care if he is up when we get home, so long as he isn't screaming. That was over a year ago.
Not that I wouldn't mind being able to do more, but no not much. I am getting a babysitter so we can go to the dentist without kids next month.... yeah some kid free time and I am using it to go to the dentist!
busted fridge and no babysitting
November 24th, 2008 at 06:25 pm
November 24th, 2008 at 06:33 pm 1227551626
November 24th, 2008 at 07:14 pm 1227554095