Home > What is good for the goose is NOT neccessarily good for the geese

What is good for the goose is NOT neccessarily good for the geese

December 9th, 2008 at 07:47 pm

My theory on politics just may well be summed up in that phrase.

When I try a new plan for behavior or learning, I am right here to see if it works, make adjustments as needed, or just plain dump the whole thing if it is wrong.

On the other hand if a school system wants to change methods they have to buy TONS of stuff, reeducate tons of folk, and try it on Tons of kids..then they risk looking like fools if wrong, so they generally try not to change anything while you still recall how recently they started.

Multiply that by all the school systems in all of America, and you have a rather large number of folk (geese).

Or look at finances, in my family (and many others) hunkering down and keeping expenses minimal is best..But for folk with more income than debt, keep on spending folk.

I do not need a fancy car nor maid (though I would like the maid!) yet folk with cash to spare, please hire a maid! that is a job for someone, who can then put food on their table!

The debt friendly America in general needs to stop spending, the rich can have a ball at it.

Small scale changes are best made in the family..large scale advertising of generic ideas is fine, but large scale everyone do it the same is a bad idea.

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