Home > An unpaid week off...

An unpaid week off...

October 19th, 2009 at 09:33 pm

This week my husband will be home every day, and no pay.

I could stress out about it, but. Wouldn't help much, instead I am putting him to work. Well today he mostly just helped with co-op, but now we are headed to the library before dinner.

Tomorrow I have hopes of kicking him to the garage for some cleaning, or work, or whatever.

Wednesday we have a dentist appointment, and Then Thursday and Friday are again days I hope to get some work out of him.

Stressing never helped anyway.

3 Responses to “An unpaid week off...”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Enjoy the week...since it seems to be a stress free one!

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    Ahhhh, the good old "Honey Dos".

  3. whitestripe Says:

    sometimes DF has days and even weeks off at a time - he works for his dad and they cannot afford to pay DF when there is no work on. i figure thats what an emergency fund is for! so if i need to, i take DF's min. wage for the week out of the EF, and that lets us breathe easily.

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