Fudge was good.
Sloppy joes were more of a turkey casserole since I dumped cornbread(which was fine minus the eggs) on top with carrots and gravy (hey it was a use up leftovers dinner) -speaking of dinner, wonder what's for dinner tonight? Potato something?
Gingerbread was a bit dry, but that actually makes houses easier, so that worked out (even decorated in time with room to spare)
We survived the day at church for carol sing -saved song booklets for tonights pack party, managed the scout leaders meeting, survived doing three sessions for co-op (one leader too busy to plan her hour, one out with sick kid, and my usual) Thank goodness the 4th mom was ready with her music/art. (I can't even spell Tchaikovsky....)
And minutes done for leaders meeting, newsletter minutes away from completion...if only I had the GS stuff for tonight, but thankfully there are two other leaders and they really don't need me. Did manage to wash the church towels to return tonight, and the co-op ones.
Have to get healthy -ish food ready for tonight, and guess not going to manage fudge in time for leader presents, unless I kick husband out right now to buy some missing ingredients (there are limits). Maybe I should make more PB/honey fudge, don't think anyone is allergic to it? Can't do cookies no eggs (I know, no surprise there)
oh and I need a shower, plus tidy up the living room..think I will kick kids out of shower and assign the living room to them!
Oh and apparently according to my husband I am 'becoming more svelte' guess that new Wii game is good for me! (outdoor adventure, with a mat, lots of jumping some running in place and the like)
Now if only I could find the bottom of my desk, wonder if bills are paid? Thank goodness for online banking and auto drafts!
Everything worked
December 15th, 2009 at 07:36 pm
December 15th, 2009 at 08:26 pm 1260908794
December 16th, 2009 at 04:11 pm 1260979919
December 16th, 2009 at 06:19 pm 1260987571
Speaking of which I did get the fudge done in time.