Home > No heat still

No heat still

November 4th, 2010 at 05:05 pm

It is now Nov 4th and we still haven't turned on the heat. I think that is a record? but not sure as I have a terrible memory.

I would like to make it as close to Thanksgiving as possible. I'll settle for after Veterans day.

Mostly it is kinda easy here in NC, mid day is plenty warm, and night time is snuggled under blankets, it is early morning that is getting uncomfortable.

Time to fire up the kettle and make some hot tea in the AM to wake up too!

hmm wonder if I made some before bed and put it in my super thermos thing it would still be hot in the AM? I think I will have to check tonight!

3 Responses to “No heat still”

  1. librarylady Says:

    I am still in the "no heat" race as well. But, I live in Southeast Texas. We have not needed the heater yet. It will likely be around Thanksgiving.

  2. Single Guy Says:

    Sorry there has been frost here in DC already and also needed heat when some older types visited last weekend. Still, I leave the setting at about 53, and I rarely hear it kick on.

  3. nanamom Says:

    maybe footed pjs for all?

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