One of the greatest things about being a homeschooler is the time. We have SO much more time than school kids which we can use to sleep in, laze around, get chores done, or take field trips.
I love the extra time I have over the schooled kids (I work with a lot of them through scouts, so I really get to know their time crunch problems)
Now you might not think I have any time if you looked at my schedule, because I have filled ALL the time! But I get to fill it my way, with some wonderful opportunities, education, some cleaning (blah) and lots of cuddling time.
The hardest part is the field trips. Their are so many wonderful opportunities here that we have trouble deciding which ones we want to test out. And worst of all, you have to pay for most of them. Or at the least have to drag the husband along, which takes time away from work. (I don't drive)
It was actually easier with no income, we just had to say no to just about everything. Now......well which ones are worth the money (and time)? Is it really worth delaying building the EF by another $20 (with this many kids most places are at least $20) Do we really need to go with the group now to get the discount?
Argh! Field trips
September 6th, 2011 at 10:54 am
September 6th, 2011 at 06:34 pm 1315330453
Also, in honor of the Smithsonian's birthday in late September, some musuems around the country offer two tixs free on September 24. Its only two, but its better than nothing.