Not that I am one of those 'forever alone' types that only reads. But that as a homeschooler I visit my library constantly and use it for all sorts of curriculum.
Right now we are working on biology, so I looked up books on cells, ecology, food webs, and a few random 'biology' topic books. At the end of two weeks the kids have learned a ton all for free. The kids pulled out a few experiments from one of the books, pulled out the microscope and watched a few Khan videos.
All in all I am quite happy with what they have learned, and all for not one penny spent.
I also borrow videos for my 3 year old, long since given up on nap, she hasn't yet learned how to be quiet for the 2 hours of nap (that I need even if my baby doesn't) so a bribe of an educational movie helps each day. The movie doesn't last the whole time, but it covers the most important settling in time for the baby, for the rest of the time she practices the oh so important 'shush' skills.
History is another great place to utilize the library. Right now we are working on colonial history. A story book about Abigail Adams, or a story of Ben Franklin, and George Washington is far more helpful than a text book, or workbook.
I also use the library to find books related to scout projects, 4H, and FLL. I could never manage without my local library.
Funny thing, the library I use isn't even local! We travel 20 minutes cross town to get to it, still in county though.
My library is my best friend
September 21st, 2011 at 07:45 pm
September 21st, 2011 at 09:16 pm 1316636174
September 24th, 2011 at 03:43 am 1316832182