Home > A peek in history

A peek in history

October 3rd, 2011 at 06:35 pm

Someone commented on an old post of mine from 2007 (not the reading addict one). I was trying to remember what was going on at that time, so I peeked at the rest of my posts that month.

It was a lovely walk down memory lane. The Thanksgiving we were all puky (and wonderful friends brought us food).

I was pregnant, but the rest of the house was sick.

That was also the first Winter I realized we had nearly halved our electric bill. (partly with reducing the temperature, partly with minor changes in curtains and such)

One of the neat things about blogging is the joy of looking back, seeing how far we have come, and how much has stayed the same.

I don't know that I would ever do this if it weren't for a few readers though. Some how keeping a journal or diary just for me never really seemed worth it. Between all the effort involved in spelling things actually using a pencil, and bothering to find the same book I wrote in last week was all just too much work! I know I am lazy.

But you give me an audience, and all of the sudden I am desperate to share! Though in my partial defense, some of my audience is family, and it is sorta the lazy way of keeping up with them....

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