So about that is awfully hard to pay someone to fix it if they wont come fix it!
First they said they would be here on Monday, then when I didn't answer the phone the figured we weren't here and didn't come. I know I should have been holding the phone close all do to make sure I could answer, but...somehow 5 kids got in the way.
Then when I call them the said it was too late so they would try again today. (my first free day)
Apparently they called again yesterday, of course I didn't answer, I never answer the phone! I was prolly in a meeting anyway. I called them three times this morning - no machine! How do you run a business with no answering machine!
When I finally get a hold of them to confirm they will be coming he tells me he wont get to it till after lunch time. Now I am glad you have a lot of business, but this is starting to get on my nerves!
Monday I had all day to wait, today I HAVE to be back at church at 5:45pm (preferably earlier)
Sheesh buddy, come take my money! (and fix the windshield)
Shut up and take my money!!!!
October 7th, 2011 at 03:09 pm
October 7th, 2011 at 06:09 pm 1318007341
October 7th, 2011 at 06:55 pm 1318010159