Home > The cost of scouting

The cost of scouting

October 11th, 2011 at 05:58 pm

I work very hard to keep the initial cost of scouting in both my troop and my pack low.

But I am failing miserably to keep MY costs low. Between the enormous amount of printing, the last minute nuke a dinner, and the constant outflow of food or supplies for den meetings, I am going broke.

Not that we didn't have scouting last two years when I Was broke, just that this year is far better than those. Things are just easier with enough money that I don't have to ask for donations, money to pay for he camping supplies/printouts/food/whatever.

This year the GS is really making it even harder, they have upped the book requirements and made every rank need to do a journey for their badges. I really don't know why they went with such an expensive model. In cubs you can avoid paying anything for a book, all the information is online. We do still buy some, but not nearly as many as the GS is asking for.

Why would you choose to make the program so inaccessible to girls? The point shouldn't be about making money, it should be about helping girls grow strong and responsible.

1 Responses to “The cost of scouting”

  1. SavingBucks Says:

    Have you checked to see if there is a Girl Scout sponsorship available in your area? In my part of the country, a troop can get financial assistance twice a year for a scout that needs it (I think $50). That would cover some of your costs.

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