Home > Counting my chickens

Counting my chickens

October 14th, 2011 at 06:39 pm

While I frequently counsel my kids, friends and anyone else who wants to listen, that counting chickens is best done after they hatch (actually after they mature and manage not to die of diseases...)

I still like to waste a bit of time dreaming about my 'chickens'. That being a metaphor for money that may or may not ever appear.

So here it is, Of course 'regular bills' need paid first, and right now they are, debt needs gone (looks like end of Oct), and the EF needs restored....

but then....after we take care of real health insurance, like for the whole family. Then we want real retirement savings, Not sure how much that would be, but more than current.

And dream of dreams...a maid.

I am currently putting a maid before a bigger house, what good is more space if I can't spend any time enjoying it because I am constantly vacuuming, mopping and cleaning bathrooms?

I really really hate cleaning, and I hate being in a house that needs cleaned......

Unfortunately with how many folk we have here, and all being way to messy by nature, we would need a daily maid.

After the maid, then yeah, sure a bigger house would be lovely, or an addition to this one? But really I would rather live a bit closer to all the 'stuff' we do.

1 Responses to “Counting my chickens”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I always tease my husband that the maid doesn't show up and he always retorts maybe if we paid her...

    Good luck on saving up for that daily maid!

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