Archive for February, 2006
February 10th, 2006 at 07:47 pm
I found several math games for DD that are awesome!
Text is BBC site and Link is http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/numbertime/games/index.shtml BBC site
BBC has several, one 'find one more' is a simple matching game where there is an 'odd card out'
The dart board game took me awhile to figure out, but then I never really played darts, apparently if you click on the outer circle spaces it is double the numbers posted. It was great for DS to practice doubling, or later dividing by two.
I also found Text is 'count your chickens' and Link is http://www.learningplanet.com/sam/cyc/index.asp 'count your chickens' which will even say the numbers for you!
Text is kidport mix and Link is http://www.kidport.com/default.htm kidport mix
Lot of subjects very simple graphics, also low ads. Mainly the 'library is better than the games' And kids need to read or Mom needs to help for practically everything on kidport.
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Frugal Home Education
February 9th, 2006 at 02:51 pm
wonder if I can even pass this test! I will have to keep it around for when my kids are around 8th grade to see how my teaching skills measure up!
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Frugal Home Education
February 8th, 2006 at 08:09 pm
Ok so we are a mite bit late but we went and checked, got a quote nearly double our current payment! I think we will stick with our current company!
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February 8th, 2006 at 08:07 pm
In continuing with the goal of more family for my buck, I used old envelopes for the valentines. Worked out well I had some mismatched envelopes for cards that were nice and big. plus some from the many many bills that are auto drafted, I get the statement and the envelope that I never use. I had been recycling them, but I could use em.
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February 8th, 2006 at 01:41 pm
Ok so I was stuck in alliteration mode, We pick a letter a day to help DD work on 'what starts with p' or whatever, and well it stuck, sorry. I don't actually make anytihng so it isn't perfect. I also don't buy much unusual stuff, oh well, I am not all that great at this stuff.
Though I was thinking that a name makes a huge difference in how I feel about something, not neccessarily the name but the connotation (or is it denotation?) how I feel about the word. Like a hot shower, it is either a hold out I wont give up, or a splurge. 'Splurge' is fun, a 'hold out' is well, not so fun.
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Frugal Home Education
February 7th, 2006 at 02:34 pm
We had pancakes for dinner which the kids love and DH tolerates, but the trouble is...no lunch for DH. He always packs leftovers for lunch but he couldn't today, poor guy. I can't remember the last time he bought lunch....but I bet he can recall the last time he had to pack ramen noodles (again)
i need to make something to put in the freezer, that can be a lunch for him when we do the goofy dinners.
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Grocerys, food lessons,
Complaint department
February 6th, 2006 at 01:54 pm
Well oddly enough I am here to report NOT spending money, we need, err umm cough, want a few things from Aldis and Food Lion, but, well, by not going for a week we are prolly going to spend less in the long run! So baring unforseen complications we will be keeping the 9$ spare for next week or something.
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Grocerys, food lessons
February 4th, 2006 at 01:01 pm
My kids found directions for puckered moccasins in one of my old books, so I said I would make them some, I figured it couldn't be that hard, well my machine keeps stopping! not cool, and the material my mom sent me, which I very much appriciate, frays so I have to hem it for the one part, which is a bit of a pain to say the least.
I hand sewed one of them since I couldn't get my machine going, It was really quick, but my finger hurts! I can't imagine having to do this to keep my kids feet warm and dry! (not to mention leather is a bit harder to sew than cloth)
The machine is back working, for now.
If I get them finished right I might make a pair for a couple nephews for Christmas.
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Frugal Home Education
February 3rd, 2006 at 02:18 pm
Budget 75$
Actual 66$
But that was only one store, so I will have to see what happens tonight. We still need vegetables.
We also had to get the car inspected and Gas, another 66$ oddly enough.
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Grocerys, food lessons
February 2nd, 2006 at 02:46 pm
I made them again last night, still a mess, but also good. I rolled them the other way to make the rolls thicker and have less, it worked better. I had frozen the leftover icing and found out it thaws VERY quickly! but was very good.
Last night I also tried to make 'Wookie' cookies, which is a brown sugar and cinnamon chocolate chip cookie. but I found out I had no eggs, after I already creamed the butter of course, I decided to just mix anyway, then I remembered I had no chocolate chips!!!!
I had to use a bit of milk to make it mix, but we cooked them and it tastes like...err well odd, but good. Though I will not be repeating the test, until the next time I go to make cookies and discover I am out of eggs!
Edit to add: They taste better after sitting in the fridge overnight!
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Grocerys, food lessons,
Complaint department
February 1st, 2006 at 12:30 pm
Since the CC will be paid off, as soon as the check clears and I figure out how to pay it with no bill. DH and I have to figure out what to do with the surplus, there is sooo much we want to do, but
A. The 'surplus' is not an exact amount.
B. It will never be enough to do everything we want!
So while it is su[pposed to be a good thing to have 'extra money' it is turnning out ot be almost as much stress as the CC bill was!!
AND I am finding it hard to do some 'ugh' things to save money (line dry, cloth diapers) when I do not have a CC bill looming over my head! I almost think the best use (after Washington trip) would be to convince myself I HAVE to pay off the mortgage, but that is 100,000! THat would take FOREVER! So it is a 'out there goal' meaning really hard for me to commit too. (the car is 0% interest, making it not really a big deal to pay or not...)
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